안경진 교수님
- 조경설계
- BSc, 조경학과, 서울시립대학교
- Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
- PhD in Architecture Planning and Landscape, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
- 주요경력
- 2014~2016 문화재청 고도미래정책위원
- 2015~ Journal of Recreation and Landscape 편집위원
- 2014~ LH, 기술자문의원
- 2011~2013 UK, Pinkmode Limited, England, Director
- 2012~2013 Newcastle University, Research Associate
- 2010~2013 Institute for Urban Studies, Founder
- 2011~2012 UK, Sandman Estudio, Founder & Director
- 2010~2011 UK, AWP, Newcastle & Manchester, Senior Designer
- 2009~2010 UK, RLD, Senior Designer
- 2008~2009 Martha Schwartz and Partners, London, Landscape Designer
- 2003-2007 UK, White Young Green, Landscape Designer
- 2002~2003 UK, Robinson Landscape Design, Graduate Landscape Architect
- 2002~2013 영국 왕립조경가협회 회원
- Major Project
- 2017 한강수계 양묘장 실태조사 및 운영ㆍ관리방향 컨설팅 용역
- 2016~도시 빗물정원의 심미적, 기능적, 생태적 상관관계 분석과 현법규와 정책에 반응하는 식생위주의 빗물정원 설계 가이드라인 제시
- 2014 행정중심복합도시 중앙공원 기본계획 수립 연구용역 공동작업
- 2013 화성동탄 2지구 조경기본 실시설계 수상
- 2012 서울시 어울림 어린이 공원 현상설계 (1개소 최우수작, 1개소 우수작)
- 2012 Newcastle City Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- 2012 Monument Circle, Indianapolis, US
- 2012 Kent School BSF, London, England
- 2012 Hartlepool BSF, England
- 2012 Harris Academy Bermondsey, London, England
- 2012 Campsmount Technology College, England
- 2011 Thomas Percy School, Alnwick, England
- 2011 Stockton Bishopsgarth School, England
- 2011 Rhino City, Sudan
- 2011 Derwent Forest Masterplan, Cumbria, England
- 2011 Coldingham Bay Gardens, Scotland
- 2011 Brunton School, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- 2011 Barnsley BSF Phase 1 and Phase 2, England
- 2011 Alexandra First School, Alnwick, England
- 2010 하남 미사 공원 녹지 및 물 순환 시스템 특별계획 구역 현상설계 (최우수작)
- 2010 Willoughby’s Bank, Alnwick, UK
- 2010 Pelton Fell, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- 2010 MZ Gardens Masterplan, UAE
- 2008 Art Installation in Leeds, Leeds, England
- 2010 Millburn Lodge, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- 2010 Liverpool Magistrates Court, Liverpool, England
- 2010 Kenton Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- 2010 Derwentwater Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- 2010 Coatham, Redcar and Cleveland, England
- 2010 Calidad Picanya, Spain
- 2009 서울시 상상 어린이 공원 현상 설계 (1개소 최우수작)
- 2009 Wrest Park, Redcar & Cleveland, UK
- 2009 Wood Wharf, London, England
- 2009 Shafton, Barnsley, England
- 2009 Pelow Shirt Factory, Gateshead, England
- 2009 Environmental CIVC Lab, Medinat Zayed, UAE
- 2009 Badrah Masterplan, UAE
- 2008 Planta Masterplan, UAE
- 2008 Parc1, Yuido, Seoul, South Korea
- 2008 Easterside Regeneration, Middlesbrough, England
- 2007 서울시 강북 대형공원 국제 현상 설계 (우수상)
- 2007 University of York Masterplanning, York, England
- 2007 Fife Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2006 Middlehaven to Wilton Strategy, Middlesbrough, England
- 2006 Lambeth Housing Improvements, London, England
- 2005 Vane Tempest, North East of England
- 2005 Sunniside Gardens, Sunderland, England
- 2005 Sandy Beach Play Ground, England
- 2005 Saltburn Promenad, Saltburn by the Sea, Redcar and Cleveland, England
- 2005 Bonn Square, Oxford, England
- 연구 관심 분야
- 디자인 미디어의 신뢰성 (Credibility & Validity of Design Media)
- Is seeing believing? 을 화두로 하여 계획과 설계과정에서 쉽게 다루어지는 미디어 (plans, sections/elevations, perspectives and other visualisations)가 미래를 공간을 예측하고 이에 따른 의사결정 과정에서의 신뢰도. 경관영향평가, 환경영향평가, 가시권분석, 프레젠테이션, 시뮬레이션
- 디자인과 기술 (Design & Technology)
- Eco city와 Low Impact Development를 통한 미래형 도시설계, LID의 방법론 조사 연구, Urban Computing과 Smart Grid를 통한 도시 서비스 개선안 연구, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, Low Impact Development, Secure by Design, Xeriscape
- 디자인의 사회적 역할
- 미래를 위한 개발 (Planning for prosperity: securing growth and regeneration), 커뮤니티 개발 (Building communities: making healthy places), 디자인을 통한 미 (Inspiring civic pride: creating beauty and diversity Working with nature: responding to a changing climate), 문화재의 보전 (Protecting our heritage: respecting character and identity), 상세계획 (Perfecting the detail)
- 디자인 미디어의 신뢰성 (Credibility & Validity of Design Media)
- 논문 및 저서
- Model Using Open-Source Resources Developing an Accessible Landslide Susceptibility Sustainability, (2018)
- Exploring Psychological and Aesthetic Approaches of Bio-Retention Facilities in the Urban Open Space, Sustainability, (2017)
- Exploring Sustainable Street Tree Planting Patterns to Be Resistant against Fine Particles, Sustainability, (2017)
- 빗물정원의 이용자 인식과 경관 심미성에 관한 연구, 한국조경학회지, (2017), 11(2).
- 정성적 농촌경관평가 기법과 정책 활용-영국의 경관특성평가제도 사례분석을 통한 시사점 도출-, 농촌계획, (2017), 23(2).
- Exploring the Non-Stationary Effects of Forests and Developed Land within Watersheds on Biological Indicators of Streams Using Geographically-Weighted Regression, Water, (2016), 8(4).
- Effects of streamline complexity on the relationships between urban land use and ecological communities in streams, Paddy and Water Environment, (2016), 14(2).
- Enhancing Boundary Work through the Use of Virtual Reality Exploring the potential within Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (2015)
- Development and Implementation of Visual Exposure Indicator for Residential Development, International Journal of Smart Home, Vol 9, No 2, pp 1-10 (2015)
- Developopment of 3D Visibility Analysis Models uisng NURBS in a Residential Development, International Journal of Smart Home, Vol 9, No 1, pp151-160 (2015)
- Mediating effect of stream geometry on the relationship between urban land use and biological index, Paddy and Water Environment, Vol 12, pp157-168 (2014)
- 관광참여가 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향, 한국조경학회지, 42집, 3호, pp 25-34 (2014)
- A Study on the Security Algorithm for Contexts in Smart City, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2014)
- A Smart Service Robot Middleware on Ubiquitous Network Environments, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol 20, No 1, pp 47-59 (2014)
- Analysis of Smart Warning System for Home Network in Smart Grid, 2013 7th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2013), pp714-718.
- Utilisation of Photo-montages for UK planning, Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN: 1343-4500), Vol. 15, No. 11(B), pp. 4785-4742.
- A Study on Dynamic State Information (DSI) around Users for Safe Urban Life, Computers and Mathematics with Applications SI (ISSN: 0898-1221), Vol. 63, Issue 2, pp. 554-563.
- Contexts-Management Strategy in considering the security in urban computing based on urban design, The Fifth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2011), pp.65-72.
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Photomontages, Communications in Computer and Information Science (Intelligent Urban Computing 2012), CCIS353 pp.360-368.
- 패럴랙스 효과를 고려한 강릉 해안림의 경관 관리에 관한 연구, 한국조경학회지 40(4)
- 어메니티자원 분석을 통한 비안도 어촌 마을 특화계획, 한국농촌계획학회지 19 (1) pp.209-220
- A Study on the Characteristics of Each Section Based on Visitor’s Satisfactions of the Dulegil in Bukhansan National Park, 한국조경학회지 41(5)